HDSR for State Development & Investment Corporation.
Established on May 5, 1995, State Development & Investment Corporation (SDIC) is a state-owned investment holding company approved by state council. SDIC had a registered capital of 19.47 billion RMB yuan (3 billion USD), 467.1 billion RMB yuan (68.28 billion USD) in total assets, over 1 trillion RMB yuan (1461 billion USD) in the assets under management (AUM) in finance, and 30,000 plus employees by the end of 2016. Its gross revenue and total profit in 2016 were 87.05 billion RMB yuan (12.74 billion USD) and 18 billion RMB yuan (2.63billion USD) respectively. SDIC has been graded A-class in the annual performance assessment conducted by SASAC for 12 consecutive years and appraised as “Excellently-Performing Enterprise” for four consecutive rounds.
Since its establishment, SDIC has been improving its development strategy and asset mix, and gradually developed its four strategic business sectors, namely infrastructure-related industry, emerging industries, financial services as well as international business. Infrastructure-related industry refers to energy industries such as power generation, communication such as road and port and the development of strategic and rarely-existed mineral resources. Emerging industries focuses on the synergy between fund investment and investment holding, targeting advanced manufacturing industry, health, municipal environmental protection, biomass energy, etc. Financial services refer to securities, banking, security fund, trust, insurance, guarantee, futures, financial company, financial leasing, etc. Consulting service refers to project engineering, asset management, consultancy, property management, etc. International business refers to overseas direct investment, international engineering contract and international trade, etc. https://www.sdic.com.cn/en/about/A0201index_1.htm