Back washing process for Automatic self-cleaning disc water filter supply in Southern Asia (Malaysia)

Back washing process for Automatic self-cleaning disc water filter

1)  A command from the control unit to the filter's inlet valve causes he valve to
close the filter' inlet and open the drain.

2) Filtered outlet water enters form the opposite direction through the outlet port of the filter.

3) The flaps of the membrane are opened by the water pressure, 
allowing the water to flow only into the 3 flushing pipes.

4) The water is forced through nozzles built into the flushing pipes.

5) Water from the flushing pipes also flows into the piston and 
pushed the tightening cap up, decompressing the filtration element discs.

6) Tangential jets of water cause fast spinning of the separated discs and remove the trapped solids.

7) The solids are flushed from the filter to the drain.

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