EXITING FROM FAULT STATE for CAF-900 Series Electric Self-Cleaning Screen Filter) (Selangor Supplier)

In case of FAULT indicator lit, It's highly recommended to determine the fault cause
BEFORE pressing the [RESET] switch.
1. Check the PLC / FAULT red indicator.
2. Check the motor position:
2.1 If the metal disc (Located on the motor slug) is located in front of LSI or LSO
sensors and the appropriate sensor is lit (ON), the FAULT is properly caused by
unsuccessful repeated flushes. (A high differential pressure also can be seen in
the DP scale)

2.1.1.In this case, pressing the [FAULT/RESET] switch will reset the system and
enable further CLEANING. Since a DP still exists the CLEANING mechanism
will execute another REGULAR CLEANING followed by EMERGENCY
CLEANING cycles. If a second attempt to remove the DP signal is failed then
manual screen cleaning is required.

2.2 If the metal disc is located between the LSI or LSO boundaries, the FAULT is
properly caused by motor overload protection.

2.2.1. Check the motor overload (PLC inputs indicators – No. 0 lit) and reset it if
necessary by pressing the OVERLOAD (OL1) RED button first and then the
GREEN button.

2.2.2. Reset the system by pressing the [FAULT/RESET] switch. And verify that the motor 
is moving toward the IN position and stops there.

2.2.3.If this phenomenon occurred frequently check the motor overload current

2.3 If the metal disc is located outside LSI - LSO boundaries the FAULT is caused by a
malfunction in one of the limit sensors which cause the system to lose synchronization.

2.3.1 In this case: a. Switch off protector No. e2. Reset OL1 if required.

2.4 If the metal disc is located beyond LSI switch manually C1a (OUT) (This should
cause the motor to move OUT) till LSI position and verify that it's indicator lit. IF not
readjust LSI.

2.5 If the metal disc is located beyond the LSO switch manually C1b (IN) (This should
cause the motor to move IN) till LSO position and verify that it's indicator lit. IF not
readjust LSO.

2.6 In both cases, where LSI or LSO is not functioning, check for loose and
disconnection to the control unit before replacing one or both.

For more information or enquiry, please contact Environmech Sdn. Bhd.
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